Thursday, 23 April 2020

Geometric Design (Parameters) of HILL ROAD

Design of Hill Road  to predetermined standard is necessary so that  travel is safe and comfortable.

Class 9 : Other District Road

Class 5 : Village Road

Road Land Width (Right of way): It is the land width required for Road Purpose.

Carriage Way : It is the portion of Roadway designed & constructed for vehicular traffic.

Roadway : It is sum of carriageway width and shoulder width on either side.It is exclusive of side drain & parapets.

Formation Width: It is Roadway width + side drain + parapets.

Shoulder: It is the portion immediately beyond the edges of carriageway on which vehicular traffic may pass occasionally.


-Roadway width is exclusive of side drain width (usually 0.6m) & parapet width (usually 0.6m).
- In case Retaining wall with parapet is provided on valley side then earthen shoulder may not be provided.
-Strategic and Border Road for Military purpose shall be constructed for not less than two lane carriageway along with paved shoulder on Hill side + paved and earthen shoulder on valley side.
-In  hard Rock, width may be reduced by 0.8m for two lane road.

AS  PER IRC :52 -1981


In BRO TI , It is Roadway width + side drain + parapets.(side drain =0.6m & parapet =0.6m)

Camber : Camber is a slope given to the cross section of the carriage way.

Design Speed : 

Sight Distance: It is the distance along the road surface at which driver has visibility of object at a specified height above the carriageway.

Minimum Radii of Horizontal Curve :

Vertical Alignment : Recommended Gradients

Passing Place on single Road:

Bridle Road , Bridle parth and OP Track : Isolated village habitation can be connected by bridle road or bridle path.(for the pocket of very small population in remote areas)

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